Yello's Personal Thoughts

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August 10, 2024 - Why I'm making a personal website in 2024

As a former computer science major who switched to art, I NEVER thought I'd touch any type of coding ever again. I hated the constant problems in my code and how one tiny mistake will cause everything else to break. But life happens in unexpected ways, doesn't it? I remember coming across a YouTube video about how you should make your own website, specifically one that's part of the indie web; websites unshackled from corporate conglomerates that over-regulate their userbase, free to make their pages as wacky and sometimes even ugly as possible. AKA what websites used to look like back in the 90's and 2000's.

This video spoke to me because I've always been someone who loves to express themselves but am too scared to do so. I never ever liked having social media on my devices because I knew right away that the constant noise and vitriol would poison my soul over time. And it did. I stopped checking Twitter/X, Facebook, (still need to quit Instagram) everything because I always felt like I was wasting my time never feeling good.

But at the same time, I missed having an easy way to express my silly, yet personal thoughts on those platforms because I still love to share. But I don't miss the constant scutiny and feedback. So this is what kickstarted this journey to build a personal website from scratch as an investment in myself. As I'm writing this, the site looks butt-ugly as I'm still building it out little by little, but I forgot how satisfying it is to watch my progress in real time...until something breaks again. But it's either that or doomscrolling for 30 minutes. Yeah, this is WAY better for my mind.

Thanks for reading this.